I see that you have not left us! (lol)
Review, review, review, review, etc...
I thought that the changes between parts were too sudden, and that you never established a main theme. It would have been nice to see some connection between the melodic sections, the changes were sudden, and other than that cute square melody and the low-passed, gated strings, I didn't see any re-occurring melody, it just went from section to section, without giving any connection.
So, because of that, the song was split into 3 distinct parts in my head. The first part sounded a bit like Envy, due to the melodic structure and synths used. Gotta love that z3ta :3
The second, piano melody seemed a bit out of place, considering a piano was barely used again in the song, except for the end. It broke quickly into a heavily synthed third melody, I like this melody the most.
A major complaint of mine was the lack of builds and breaks. It just kind of drifted from part to part without too much real building. The kick just came and went with the wind. Really great trance songs build both melodically and physically. I mean, it starts with nothing, and then gets stronger, and stronger, builds more and more, until it bursts, into the melody, which the kind of dissolves, and you start over again.
The kick seemed a bit weak, put it out in front more, and the bass was pretty generic. Percussive samples were nice, but the rhythm was generic. I have no complaints about a generic rhythm, as it works, and has worked for many songs. Overall sound quality was good, mixing was very nice, it was a good volume and didn't clip.
Despite my criticism, it was a nice song, much more of an improvement from "Skeet and Drip all O'er Dat Ho." Really, Newgrounds will love it. 8/10
Note to dude below me: Its not epic trance, that would give it a really massive build and break, much more subtle, where this is pretty out in front and melodic, rather than slow and eventually building higher and higher.... etc.