So I'll get to work on some. With Fireworks. CS3. Mmmmmmmm....
Also, news:
Working on some VSTs with Chim.
They are gonna rule. We're gonna work on Linear Arithmetic synthesis, and we're also gonna work our asses off trying to make a Dimension chorus/modulation effect. It will be free when it's done, look for it on KVR.
I've also got a synth that I'm almost done with that uses weird modulation routing to get odd, industrial-like sounds. Once Chim makes some presets for that, its going up on KVR.
Anyways, I'll put links up when I get something up! Now go listen to my music1
how to make VST!?
did your kirby's DnB mirror ever get accepted on OCRemix?
I make VSTs using FL Synthmaker, and then export them in REAL Synthmaker.
Yes, that song DID get accepted! It just hasn't been posted yet, because the head guy writes reviews for each one!